////img overlay /******************************************************************* * File : JSFX_ImageZoom.js © JavaScript-FX.com * Created : 2001/08/31 * Author : Roy Whittle (Roy@Whittle.com) www.Roy.Whittle.com * Purpose : To create a zooming effect for images * History * Date Version Description * 2001-08-09 1.0 First version * 2001-08-31 1.1 Code split - others became JSFX_FadingRollovers, * JSFX_ImageFader and JSFX_ImageZoom. * 2002-01-27 1.2 Completed development by converting to JSFX namespace * 2002-04-25 1.3 Added the functions stretchIn & expandIn * 2004-01-06 1.4 Allowed for the image (tag) being forcibly sized ***********************************************************************/ /*** Create some global variables ***/ if(!window.JSFX) JSFX=new Object(); JSFX.ImageZoomRunning = false; /******************************************************************* * * Function : zoomIn * * Description : This function is based on the turn_on() function * of animate2.js (animated rollovers from www.roy.whittle.com). * Each zoom object is given a state. * OnMouseOver the state is switched depending on the current state. * Current state -> Switch to * =========================== * null -> OFF. * OFF -> ZOOM_IN + start timer * ZOOM_OUT -> ZOOM_IN * ZOOM_IN_OUT -> ZOOM_IN *****************************************************************/ JSFX.zoomOn = function(img, zoomStep, maxZoom) { if(img) { if(!zoomStep) { if(img.mode == "EXPAND") zoomStep = img.height/10; else zoomStep = img.width/10; } if(!maxZoom) { if(img.mode == "EXPAND") maxZoom = img.height/2; else maxZoom = img.width/2; } if(img.state == null) { img.state = "OFF"; img.index = 0; img.orgWidth = img.width; img.orgHeight = img.height; img.zoomStep = zoomStep; img.maxZoom = maxZoom; } if(img.state == "OFF") { img.state = "ZOOM_IN"; start_zooming(); } else if( img.state == "ZOOM_IN_OUT" || img.state == "ZOOM_OUT") { img.state = "ZOOM_IN"; } } } JSFX.zoomIn = function(img, zoomStep, maxZoom) { img.mode = "ZOOM"; JSFX.zoomOn(img, zoomStep, maxZoom); } JSFX.stretchIn = function(img, zoomStep, maxZoom) { img.mode = "STRETCH"; JSFX.zoomOn(img, zoomStep, maxZoom); } JSFX.expandIn = function(img, zoomStep, maxZoom) { img.mode = "EXPAND"; JSFX.zoomOn(img, zoomStep, maxZoom); } /******************************************************************* * * Function : zoomOut * * Description : This function is based on the turn_off function * of animate2.js (animated rollovers from www.roy.whittle.com). * Each zoom object is given a state. * OnMouseOut the state is switched depending on the current state. * Current state -> Switch to * =========================== * ON -> ZOOM_OUT + start timer * ZOOM_IN -> ZOOM_IN_OUT. *****************************************************************/ JSFX.zoomOut = function(img) { if(img) { if(img.state=="ON") { img.state="ZOOM_OUT"; start_zooming(); } else if(img.state == "ZOOM_IN") { img.state="ZOOM_IN_OUT"; } } } /******************************************************************* * * Function : start_zooming * * Description : This function is based on the start_animating() function * of animate2.js (animated rollovers from www.roy.whittle.com). * If the timer is not currently running, it is started. * Only 1 timer is used for all objects *****************************************************************/ function start_zooming() { if(!JSFX.ImageZoomRunning) ImageZoomAnimation(); } JSFX.setZoom = function(img) { if(img.mode == "STRETCH") { img.width = img.orgWidth + img.index; img.height = img.orgHeight; } else if(img.mode == "EXPAND") { img.width = img.orgWidth; img.height = img.orgHeight + img.index; } else { img.width = img.orgWidth + img.index; img.height = img.orgHeight + (img.index * (img.orgHeight/img.orgWidth)); } } /******************************************************************* * * Function : ImageZoomAnimation * * Description : This function is based on the Animate function * of animate2.js (animated rollovers from www.roy.whittle.com). * Each zoom object has a state. This function * modifies each object and (possibly) changes its state. *****************************************************************/ function ImageZoomAnimation() { JSFX.ImageZoomRunning = false; for(i=0 ; i img.maxZoom) img.index = img.maxZoom; JSFX.setZoom(img); if(img.index == img.maxZoom) img.state="ON"; else JSFX.ImageZoomRunning = true; } else if(img.state == "ZOOM_IN_OUT") { img.index+=img.zoomStep; if(img.index > img.maxZoom) img.index = img.maxZoom; JSFX.setZoom(img); if(img.index == img.maxZoom) img.state="ZOOM_OUT"; JSFX.ImageZoomRunning = true; } else if(img.state == "ZOOM_OUT") { img.index-=img.zoomStep; if(img.index < 0) img.index = 0; JSFX.setZoom(img); if(img.index == 0) img.state="OFF"; else JSFX.ImageZoomRunning = true; } } } /*** Check to see if we need to animate any more frames. ***/ if(JSFX.ImageZoomRunning) setTimeout("ImageZoomAnimation()", 40); } ////end img overlay function open_user(){ ////request var xmlhttp; if (window.XMLHttpRequest) { // code for IE7+, Firefox, Chrome, Opera, Safari xmlhttp=new XMLHttpRequest(); } else if (window.ActiveXObject) { // code for IE6, IE5 xmlhttp=new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP"); } else { alert("Your browser does not support XMLHTTP!"); } ///end request ///onreadystate xmlhttp.onreadystatechange=function() { if(xmlhttp.readyState==4) { // Get data from the server's response if(typeof(document.getElementById('user_counter'))=="object") document.getElementById('user_counter').innerHTML=xmlhttp.responseText; } } ///onreadystate xmlhttp.open("GET","http://www.romics.it/portale/tools/user_counter_control.php",true); xmlhttp.send(null); window.td=setTimeout("open_user();",20000); } function open_vote(pool_id,preference,vote){ ////request var xmlhttpb; if (window.XMLHttpRequest) { // code for IE7+, Firefox, Chrome, Opera, Safari xmlhttpb=new XMLHttpRequest(); } else if (window.ActiveXObject) { // code for IE6, IE5 xmlhttpb=new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP"); } else { alert("Your browser does not support XMLHTTP!"); } ///end request ///onreadystate xmlhttpb.onreadystatechange=function() { if(xmlhttpb.readyState==4) { // Get data from the server's response document.getElementById('vote_answer_window'+pool_id).innerHTML=xmlhttpb.responseText; } } ///onreadystate xmlhttpb.open("GET","http://www.romics.it/portale/tools/user_vote_control.php?pool_id="+pool_id+"&vote="+vote+"&preference="+preference,true); xmlhttpb.send(null); //window.td=setTimeout("open_user();",20000); } ///////////////////// general_banner_list=new Array(); /* Array.prototype.inArray = function ( search_phrase ) { a='no'; for( var i = 0; i < this.length; i++ ) { if( search_phrase == this[i] ) { a=i; } } return a; }*/ function scala_impression(id_struttura){ // alert('eseguo'+id_struttura); var xmlHttp; try { // Firefox, Opera 8.0+, Safari xmlHttp=new XMLHttpRequest(); } catch (e) { // Internet Explorer try { xmlHttp=new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP"); } catch (e) { try { xmlHttp=new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP"); } catch (e) { alert("Il tuo browser non supporta AJAX!"); return false; } } } xmlHttp.onreadystatechange=function() { if(xmlHttp.readyState==4) { var responsevalue=xmlHttp.responseText; // document.getElementById("reportbox").innerHTML=""+responsevalue+""; // document.getElementById(elemento).checked=responsevalue; // alert(xmlHttp.responseText); } } xmlHttp.open("GET","http://www.cyberries.co.uk/portal/content/modules/scala_impression.php?id="+id_struttura,true); xmlHttp.send(null); /////////////////// ]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]] } //////////////////// /////GALLERY finestra=window.outerHeight; function recall_next(){ ////request var xmlhttp; if (window.XMLHttpRequest) { // code for IE7+, Firefox, Chrome, Opera, Safari xmlhttp=new XMLHttpRequest(); } else if (window.ActiveXObject) { // code for IE6, IE5 xmlhttp=new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP"); } else { alert("Your browser does not support XMLHTTP!"); } ///end request ///onreadystate xmlhttp.onreadystatechange=function() { if(xmlhttp.readyState==4) { // Get data from the server's response document.getElementById('gallerypro').innerHTML= document.getElementById('gallerypro').innerHTML+' '+xmlhttp.responseText; } } ///onreadystate xmlhttp.open("GET","gaaleryfeed.php",true); xmlhttp.send(null); } window.linkstop="javascript:clearTimeout(window.td);clearTimeout(window.r);document.getElementById('stopa').href=window.linkplay;document.getElementById('imgstopa').src=window.imgplay;void(0);"; window.imgplay="images/play.png"; window.linkplay="javascript:enlarge();timedMsg(window.esecuzione+2);document.getElementById('stopa').href=window.linkstop;document.getElementById('imgstopa').src=window.imgstop;void(0);"; window.imgstop="images/stop.png"; window.playhtml="\';void(0);'>";roba=new Array(); t=0; inc=0; esecuzione=0; function enlarge(){ //document.getElementById( "bigimg").width=window.t*window.t*window.t/10000*4; obj = document.getElementById("bigimg"); //if(window.t>50) if(obj.complete==true){ actual=window.t; obj.style.MozOpacity=window.t*window.t*window.t/500000; }else obj.style.MozOpacity=window.t*window.t*window.t/50000000;//window.t*window.t*window.t/5000000; // document.getElementById( "report").innerHTML="questa è l'esecuzione di enlarge window.t è "+window.t+"window.inc è "+window.inc+"esecuzione "+window.esecuzione; //alert(window.t+' '); window.inc=window.inc+2; if(window.inc<=200) window.t=window.t+2; else if(window.inc>400) window.t=window.t-2; if(window.inc>=600) window.inc=0; //if(window.t<=100) window.r=setTimeout("enlarge();",100); } ////GALLERY END ///GALLERY2 function azione(posizione){ //alert('ciao!'); document.getElementById( "bigphoto").innerHTML=window.roba[posizione]; //window.t=0; //if(window.t>99){ // alert('basta'); //window.t=0; // window.inc=0; clearTimeout(window.r); //} window.esecuzione++; enlarge(); // alert(roba.length+" "+ posizione+" "+roba[posizione]); } function timedMsg(argomento) { if(argomento<(window.roba.length-1)) s=new Number(argomento+1); else s=0; //alert(argomento+" "+s); window.td=setTimeout("azione("+argomento+");timedMsg("+s+");",30000); } ///GALLERY2 END function doppiaggio(){ document.write("

Le migliori voci del doppiaggio italiano in gara a Romics!

Restituire voce e intensità ai personaggi sul grande e piccolo schermo: questo è il lavoro degli artisti della grande tradizione del doppiaggio italiano.

Una tradizione rinomata in tutto il mondo, e che si rinnova ogni anno con il Gran Gala del doppiaggio, evento tra i più seguiti di Romics, in cui vengono assegnati i prestigiosi Premi Romics Dd alle migliori voci del doppiaggio italiano di film, telefilm e cartoni animati.

Per saperne di più vai alla scheda.

Esprimi le tue preferenze:

Voce Maschile dell'Anno





Michele KalameraClint EastwoodGran Torinovota
Massimo RossiSean PennMilkvota
Flavio AquiloneDev PatelThe Millionairevota
Franco Mannella Kad MeradGiù al Nordvota
Pasquale AnselmoPhilippe S. HoffmanIl Dubbiovota

Voce Femminile dell'Anno





Federica De BortoliKristen StuartTwilightvota
Claudia CataniAngelina JolieChangelingvota
Maria Pia Di MeoMeryl StreepIl Dubbiovota
Tiziana AvaristaJulia OrmondIl curioso caso di Benjamin Buttonvota
Emanuela RossiMarisa TomeiThe Wrestlervota

Doppiaggio di un Film



Direttore del doppiaggio


Gran TorinoTechnicolorFilippo Ottonivota
MilkPCMRodolfo Bianchivota
Il DubbioTechnicolorMaura Vespinivota
Giù al nord TechnicolorFrancesco Vairanovota

Doppiaggio di un Telefilm



Direttore del doppiaggio


Samantha chi?Dubbing BrosCinzia De Carolisvota
Crash Video SoundRoberta Paladinivota
Eli StoneDubbing BrosA.Rossi-C.Boraschivota
DamagesSefitRoberto Chevaliervota
My name is EarlBibiGianni Galassivota

Voce maschile di un cartone animato



Cartone Animato


Davide LeporeGallaxharMostri vs Alienivota
Fabrizio VidaleB.O.B.Mostri vs Alienivota
Francesco BulckaenObi-Wan KenobiStar Wars: The clone warsvota
Alessio NissolinoAtsushi OtaniLovely Complexvota
Alessandro Rossi RyukDeath Notevota

Voce femminile di un cartone animato



Cartone Animato


Debora MagnaghiKlukeBlue Dragonvota
Joy SaltarelliTrilliTrillivota
Letizia CiampaSayu YagamiDeath Notevota
Valentina MariHana \"Hatchin\" MorenosMitchicko e Hatchinvota
Alessia Amendola AoFreedomvota

Doppiaggio di un Film d'Animazione



Direttore del doppiaggio


Madagascar 2 CastMassimiliano Altovota
Bolt - Un eroe a 4 zampe DubbingCinzia De Carolisvota
TrilliDubbingLeslie La Pennavota
Coraline e la porta magicaTechnicolorCarlo Cosolovota
Wall-E TechnicolorCarlo Cosolovota

Doppiaggio di una serie TV animata

Serie TV


Direttore del doppiaggio


I Simpson (stagione 19)SEDIFVarivota
SpongeBobMerakFederico Dantivota
Mitchiko & HatchinC.D.Maria Pia Di Meovota
Death NoteC.D.Anton Giulio Castagnavota
Rat-ManSample srl – A.A.C.Andrea Wardvota
Star Wars The Clone WarsStudio EmmeFabrizio Temperinivota
I Cavalieri dello Zodiaco - HadesStudio P.V.Ivo De Palmavota
Mobile Suit Z GundamE.T.S.Fabrizio Mazzottavota
Avatar - La leggenda di Aang (stag.3)Multimedia NetworkEnzo Brunovota

"); }